Profile Pictureadrienlambert

Important News: Moving My Content to Gumroad (bye youtube)


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Boolean Visuals

Hello, could there be a possibility of Patreon page that has your YouTube videos that can’t be turned into a course here? Thanks and all the best

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Hi ! Not considering Patreon for now but Gumroad does have subscription option and started to use that for some of the videos, like speedtree content, USD are available on my gumroad now for a very low fee subscription.

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Hello Adrien. I understand your point, but your YouTube channel was one of the most valuable resources I had. And I never had the time to go through all of your videos because life, but I had then in my backlog. I will continue supporting you on Gumroad, but I hope I'm not missing out some of the precious tips you shared throughout the years on YT. Please make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Thanks!

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Thank you for the support ! Cheers

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I don't know why you didn't set up YouTube videos for supporters. It is more convenient to browse videos on YouTube rather than on gumroad, and you had many videos that were not related to the courses you have here. I remember some renderman video or videos, some redshift.

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Didn't wanted to use youtube prenium services for tax reasons, if outside of US it's not really appealing for small buisinesses like mine.

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Sadegh Sajjadi

Dear Mr. Lambert Hope you're doing well with the most. I kinda shocked when I couldn't reach out for your mystic tower tutorial on YT, reached your Gumroad page and just found out this post. The conditions you mentioned were understandable, humbly I do request of having access to the content that were already free to watch somewhere. I was learning much from you in the basic video tutorial and at the same time I was working on a similar demanded project. Kind regards.

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So you put everything that was once free now behind a Gumroad paywall now? I'm not sure how that's helpful for the community you tried to grow and foster. I guess the community can still seek out free (yt) and paid (patreon) sources from other FX artists. It looks like many of us are done here. Unsubscribed from your gumroad, for a while, if not permanently.

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Sadegh Sajjadi

I understand the feeling about this. Despite the fact that the content owner have the authority of his own, undoubtedly it would be best that at least we get some early warning about this; or if the condition is critical it would be good receiving some info about how we can keep in touch as a long-term user in the future so that we are not forced to pay for what we could earn freely as it was authored by the author himself. Life happens, I've been there, and I understand why Mr. Adrien did as he told; but as someone who saw how various life conditions shaped the decisions of my fellow community members, I suggest that we need to develop the level of understanding of each others' situations.

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Well that's your right. Gumroad is a paywall indeed and is not the most ideal to grow a community I would agree. But that's also the point, I don't look necessary into growing it more since I'm planning to pivot my life into something different. I'm still offering what I had on youtube for a symbolic price. (If you check the latest products). If you feel you get better values out there for such niche topics for free then good for you though.

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Raphael Guez

Dear Adrien, merci pour ton travail et ton partage, toujours un plaisir d'apprendre à travers tes tutoriels !

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Killing your YouTube channel just because of things like Sora is a rather strange decision from a marketing point of view. YouTube is a giant platform and is an important funnel in terms of attracting new users. Therefore, if you want to earn a little more money, then you should have just removed the full videos and made trailers for your training materials there. Good luck in your new endeavors!

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I may endup relaunching later indeed with mostly trailers or podcast form content only. I will also pivot the channel into more game dev or create a new one maybe, but in meantime I don't pressure myself with any of that and focus on some more learning.

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Nickolas Sushkevich

Dear Adrien, do what is best for you and your time. While it is indeed sad to no longer have access to your YouTube guides, I support your decision fully and hope you can find another place to store them for easy access.

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Hello Adrian, I'm just writing to see if you can upload the series you had from Sidefx Solaris Houdini | Part 1: USD and Solaris introduction, I have been looking for information about karma and the truth is that your tutorials are the best. Thank you for your help, without you Houdini would be even more complicated.

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Hi, thanks glad you liked. Hopefully we see more USD solaris content from other artists. These USd vides are now included in this product :

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You might wanna try out Ko-fi. It's pretty much patreon but there are less charges. Best of luck to your journey!

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Hello Adrien Would just like to say that I totally support your decision and appreciate your content and efforts, Also, I read down below something about future content possibly related to game development? As someone using Houdini / Learning Houdini for that purpose this sounds exciting. Regarding the Gumroad subscription. Is there somewhere specific I need to do that? I have bought many of your tutorials and files, although I am currently going through the Procedural Props / lantern. I have the HIP file but, would also like to continue the actual tutorial for learning is that available somewhere along with a subscription? again, thank you for your content and good lucj with your future endeavours / content

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Juan Pablo Sandoval Arenas

Hi Adrien, so sad about the news regarding the youtube channel, may I know where I can find these small gems: " SideFX Houdini : Action Sequence Design - Part3 - Camera Animation / CHops and Rest position Houdini / Redshift Triplanar Stuff....

Houdini Solaris - USD & Environment creation : NEW CLOUDSCAPE SERIES ADDED

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Black friday deal : 30% OFF !! AdrienLambert Gumroad

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