Sidefx Houdini / Karma - Jellyfish PROJECT FILES & TUTORIALS
HOUDINI VERSION : 19.5 (Houdini INDIE - Not compatible with houdiniFX)
LATEST UPDATE : 2024-05-28
Here are the project files and two video tutorials of the procedural Jellyfish tutorial I previously published on my youtube channel some time ago.
This product contains the jellyfish procedural modeling video and an additional video breaking down the scene setup in solaris/houdini/karma to help understanding how the scene was constructed in houdini's stage.
This not only containing the procedural networks to model and animate, simulate the jellyfish but all the setups that was used to create the final scene I'm featuring in this tutorial.
Root of object context - Jellyfish A, B, C creation, jellyfish crowd system, particulate fx (network only, caches are not included atm), camera animation :
Stage / solaris / lop network (assembling and rendering)
SOP procedural network of Jellyfish modeling, animation, simultion :